Never Alone

Written by Maria Chosen, Project Orphan’s Administrator at Pearl Village

“Easter was one of the seasons that I awaited so eagerly for!  During my childhood, I wasn’t exposed to luxury. However, during Easter, I knew there was always lots of food, fun and time with many family members. When I was little, Easter meant an opportunity to have a family get-together. It was a season that meant so much to me because it felt special to spend time with family and not worry about little things.

As time passed, I had was introduced to Jesus and eventually made Him the Lord of my life. In 2010, I accepted Jesus as my Savior. Through my journey with Christ, I have been able to learn more about who Christ is and what the true meaning of Easter. I learned that Easter is not only about the resurrection of Christ — but the journey starts from His sacrifice at the cross, His death, and ultimately His resurrection.

If there was no cross where Christ was nailed to cover my sins — then there wouldn’t have been his death. And if He did not choose to die for us then there would be no resurrection. The prophecies would have remained unfulfilled and we would not have the opportunity to experience eternal life through His grace.

As mentioned earlier, during my childhood Easter was a day to unite as a family. Now, it means celebrating life with my family because we know God’s love and He overcame the battle of death. Unfortunately, this Easter is a little different and I won’t be able to celebrate with family and friends.

The entire world is covered in fear and grief. Many people have recently lost family members or are confined to their homes and can’t travel to be with their loved ones. In such a time like this, I want to encourage you to celebrate - because it’s more than just spending time together as a family, going on Easter egg hunts, eating large meals, or receiving gifts.

We must celebrate and be reminded of the greatest sacrifice our Lord made for us!

During this time, we must continue to remind ourselves that God’s promises are true and will always be fulfilled. Knowing that God’s son died and rose from the dead, tells me that He has victory over death and that there is eternal life for those who faithfully walk in Him. His death and resurrection are so significant and can allow us to remain hopeful not only in this season but at all times — because we know that God overcame and His word says that we are overcomers.

Not having family around me during this crisis is sad, but this Easter I am reminded that God will always be there with me no matter the situation. This means we are never alone!

Many of our staff are in quarantine. We miss one another but we believe it’s important to remind everyone that no matter where you are - you are never alone!


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